110 Items by auctions and galleries:
книги для художников
Lot 36 Поленова, Е.Д. Русские народные сказки и прибаутки, пересказанные для детей и иллюстрированные Е.Д. Поленовой: [в 3 вып.].
Аукцион 24. Торжество русской литературы
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 24. Торжество русской литературы
Date: 12.10.2024 18:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 252
Lot 178 Маторин, М.В. Подборка из 8 эскизов обложек для книг серии «Массовая библиотека искусства». 1950-е. Бумага, ксилография, тушь. 17,2х11,5 см.
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 31.07.2021 20:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 198
Lot 27 Джангар: Калмыцкий народный эпос / Худ. В.А. Фаворский; пер. Семена Липкина, под ред. С.Я. Маршака.
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 31.07.2021 20:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 198
Lot 131 Лебедев, И.К. Два пейзажа из цикла «Виды Парижа». 1952. 10,5х14 см.
Auction 18-1. Painting, graphics, arts and crafts of the 18th — 21st centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 18-1. Painting, graphics, arts and crafts of the 18th — 21st centuries.
Date: 29.11.2021 19:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 160
Дни на самоизоляции.
Anastasia Goreva (b. 1996)
Shop Goreva Anastasia
Anastasia Goreva
Мой наставник, профессор, педагог и народный художник - Сидоров Валентин Михайлович , задал как мне кажется важную линию моего искусства. Главное - колорит. Художественный образ , собственное видение натуры. Перед нами - последователями русской (Московской)школы стоит важная задача - популяризировать наше искусство не только в России, но и как когда -то Дягилев и за рубежом.
Artist shop
Goreva Anastasia
Number of products: 12
Lot 55 [Молния. История лошади, кареты и богемцев / Ил. Ф. Рожанковского; пер. Жаклин Андре]. Éclair. Histoire d'un cheval, d'un chien de carrosse et des Bohémiens / Illustrations de F. Rojankovsky; traduit par Jacqueline André.
Аукцион 22. Редкие книги, инскрипты, рукописи, открытки и фотографии XVIII—XX вв.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 22. Редкие книги, инскрипты, рукописи, открытки и фотографии XVIII—XX вв.
Date: 07.10.2023 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 238
Воды Вселенной над твердью Земли 2 часть
Alena Elina (b. 1998)
Shop Elina Alena
Alena Elina
Hello! My name is Alena Elina. I am from Russian Siberia, the city of Kemerovo. I am 23 years old. I have been creating works since about 2013, but I started doing abstraction since 2019.
While painting, I have a certain freedom, because no art school has influenced me. Most of all I am inspired by the Universe, great abstract artists and not only, for example, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso. My work is an intuitive process. The result of my work is open, even during the work the goal can still change. I can oscillate between opulent and minimalistic motifs. The imperfect, the moment and the ephemeral, these are all things I try to capture on canvas. I'm on the way of studying and opening new ways of expressing feeling through painting.
The thing that inspires me most of all that's color. The exploring of colors interaction in one space sometimes seems magic. As an artist I'm focusing on forms not the ideas in painting. My work focuses on abstract and compositions of colors and shapes. I love to try different mediums depending of my mood and nature needed to be shown. I mainly use oils and acrylics.
Artist shop
Elina Alena
Number of products: 9
Воды Вселенной над твердью Земли
Alena Elina (b. 1998)
Shop Elina Alena
Alena Elina
Hello! My name is Alena Elina. I am from Russian Siberia, the city of Kemerovo. I am 23 years old. I have been creating works since about 2013, but I started doing abstraction since 2019.
While painting, I have a certain freedom, because no art school has influenced me. Most of all I am inspired by the Universe, great abstract artists and not only, for example, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso. My work is an intuitive process. The result of my work is open, even during the work the goal can still change. I can oscillate between opulent and minimalistic motifs. The imperfect, the moment and the ephemeral, these are all things I try to capture on canvas. I'm on the way of studying and opening new ways of expressing feeling through painting.
The thing that inspires me most of all that's color. The exploring of colors interaction in one space sometimes seems magic. As an artist I'm focusing on forms not the ideas in painting. My work focuses on abstract and compositions of colors and shapes. I love to try different mediums depending of my mood and nature needed to be shown. I mainly use oils and acrylics.
Artist shop
Elina Alena
Number of products: 9
Alex SAVART (b. 1958)
Shop SAVART Alex
Alexey Smirnov is a contemporary, distinctive artist working at junction of fine art with its inherent esthetics and contemporary art with its intentional “madness”, challenge and hidden meaning.
For many years the painter have been trying to find himself. Never copying any of his colleagues-artists he refined his mastership, searched for his own artistic language. Soon these endeavours began to produce results – Alexey formed his original bright and remarkable volume technique of painting works of art.
The creative work of Alexey Smirnov differs with his enhanced sensitive perception of life, search of new means of expression consonant with modern times. The principal theme of Alexey Smirnov’s art is modernity. In his works the perception of environment loses its single-valuedness. Almost each painting makes the viewer to contemplate it long while, provoking a number of associations and deliberations. In his works one can often observe the collision of the mundane and the fantastic, interlacing of lyric and grotesque, romance and irony.
The characteristic feature of the author’s plastic language is a sharp feel of colouring, expression and fascination with texture, all of it allowing realize both formal decorative and conceptual psychologic tasks. Through the half-opened door of his art the author invites the viewer to make a step into the unknown, where vibrations of picturesque lines, gorgeous forms and fantastic constructions are filled with sense and obtain their ethereal tangibility, transform into structures of the World around us. The World consisting not of things and subjects but of essences, powers and energies. The play of lines of the picture, surfaces of colour and space in the artist’s compositions form metaphorical image of beingness, put in motion the viewer’s intellect, encouraging him for self-perfection and finding knowledge of eternal secrets of the universe.
Artist shop
Number of products: 42
Карты Хаоса Пейзаж №2: "Диоген"
Aleksandr Bolkvadze (b. 1986)
Shop Bolkvadze Aleksandr
Aleksandr Bolkvadze
Болквадзе Александр Александрович
Дата рождения: 7.11.86
+7 963 652 23 94
[email protected]
Родился в Москве.
Получил техническое образование, работал на военном авиационном заводе.
В 2005 начал самостоятельно изучать живопись. За 15 лет нарисовал более 100 картин маслом и акрилом, создал два десятка скульптур и инсталляций. Расписывал стены, мебель и декоративные предметы интерьера, а так же нарисовал сотни графических работ на бумаге и в Photoshop.
С 2020 постепенно отказываюсь от классических материалов и техник живописи, начинаю исследовать новые формы и медиумы. Часто использую в своих работах такие материалы как дерево, металл, войлок, шерсть, эмаль, зеркала, пластик, картон ручной отливки и некоторые смеси моего собственного изобретения.
2022-2023 создаю преимущественно объемные, фактурные инсталляции и скульптуры с использованием зеркал.
Важной частью моего творчества являются сопроводительные тексты к картинам. Именно тексты объединяют все мои работы в единую вселенную и связывают все сюжеты. Тексты дают мне возможность погрузиться внутрь картин и увидеть их глазами своих персонажей.
14.07.2023 - 15.10.2023 - "ТОЧКИ ОПОРЫ" Культурный центр «Артишок», Новослободская, 45Б (Кураторы: Ольга Шмуклер, Катя Сидоренкова)
24.06.2023 - 03.09.2023 - "УХ ТЫ! 2.0" Галерея ЗДЕСЬ на Таганке, Москва, совместная выставка (Куратор: Ксения Горбатюк)
29.03.2023 - 14.05.2023 - "В ПОИСКАХ ЗАВЕТНОГО ЭЛИКСИРА" Культурный центр «Артишок», Новослободская, 45Б (Куратор: Катя Сидоренкова)
Декабрь 2022 - Публикация в 6 номере журнала Русская галерея — XXI век
4.12.2022 - Выставка «Cancelled Sapiens», бар “Вода” (Москва, Петровка 17/7, однодневная инсталляция независимого объединения художников HEAD)
14.11.2022 - 22.11.2022 - Кампус Сколтеха, Выставка “Игра в прятки”(Сколково, кураторы: Михаил Липовских, Светлана Липовских)
26.10.2022 - 13.11.2022 - Milliart, Выставка "Следуя за бегущим"(Москва, Товарищеский пере
Artist shop
Bolkvadze Aleksandr
Number of products: 59